
Hi take, Thank you for using Nota. 2008 was very exciting year for Nota team. Since we released "private" version of Nota last year, Nota has been spread mostly for education at schools all over the world. Today we would like to give you the inside scoop on the latest Nota, Inc. service: that has just launched into public Beta. PhotoPeach is a social slideshow service that helps you share your memories in a lively and vivid way by moving your photos like a video with your choice of background music, comments on each photo, fun effects, and more. You can use your photos from your computer or from facebook, picasa, and flickr. All shows are unlisted by default, but anyone the link is shared with can view that particular show without registration. accounts are compatible with accounts. Since you already have a Nota account, you can use PhotoPeach right now! We love to hear your feedback and we're going to keep working to make 2009 an even more exciting year for Nota and PhotoPeach community! Love, The Nota Team -- Turn off these emails

米国シリコンバレーで次期NOTA開発へ取り組んでいるチームへNOTAの次期バージョンの進行状況を問い合わせしていたところこんな英語の返事が来ました。 こちらは英語に弱いので意味が良くわかりません、どなたか理解できる方がいましたら教えてください。 武内令典
